Page 481
July 6th, 2015

Page 481

Pool party time!  And Happy late 4th of July to my American friends and family.  We were away this weekend and I didn’t get to draw up a themed vote incentive for this year… I’ll have to come up with something awesome next time :)  It was a very quick weekend away and a family wedding (with a side trip to Legoland where only 1 of 3 had a melt down when we said it was time to go!) and we had way better than I expected behaviour.  Sam did throw up on the hotel room carpet (too much food/excitment/Lego/not enough sleep) but other than that I was impressed.  I imagine that may have been artificially inflated levels of politeness and listening due to the outing and they’re probably going to crash down to their usual levels of screeching belligerence… but I can dream.

Vote incentive: DOTA Gay is sparkly.

New stuff up on Woot today: silly cat shirt and silly zombie totes (should be later combined to form silly zombie cat… eating the dog!  Woot probably wouldn’t print that).


  1. madeofstardust

    Wow that first comment was completely unnecessary. Anyways, if we’re going by that logic, shouldn’t Evil be drowned first? Jk. I love Evil.

  2. madeofstardust

    @Admin: I hope you had fun at the wedding, as well as with your kids at Legoland.

  3. Caveman

    Evil and gay look so cute together

  4. EatingFurniture

    What’s silk? The bow tie?

    Anyway, almost all the bears can be assholes, although Vanity totally goes first, and you know that, Evil. I also know you and Lech are in a “super macho bromance,” but you know he’s still an asshole.

    @Caveman; What are you trying to start? Are you trying to give Michael Sirius a heart attack?

  5. dizzie

    rofls this page is full of adorable X3

  6. Caveman

    Still no sign of death :(

  7. corvuscorone68

    Tanked is the cutest here

  8. Anon

    Is it bad that I want to rename this arc Watersports?

  9. glowworm

    Drown the Asshole sounds like a lot of fun.

  10. Irma Vep

    Tanked, so innocent and so full of fun. LOVE YOU TANKED!!

  11. Alister

    It’s so heartwarming to see two sisters working together!

  12. JK

    I love how Evil jumps in WITH Gay, fully admitting he’s an asshole too.

  13. Michael Sirius

    I just suffered from a heart attack, oh my.
    But I will reluctantly admit that those two did indeed look cute together.
    However, that being said, Glech and whatever we’re calling Nerd and Evil.
    Thank you, that is all

  14. Josh


  15. EatingFurniture

    @Michael Sirius; The name is Nevil, it seems.

  16. Rk

    Gay didn’t seem very gay in this comic by gay I mean happy

  17. Faiz

    Ooh! I like what Evil’s playing right now! Kind of cruel but I like drowning a d***!!!

  18. Caveman

    So I know not a lot of people won’t get this question but Alison what happened to what people are calling bio hazard bear I think he is a cool looking bear and I don’t see any copyright problems with him?

  19. admin

    @ Caveman: there were no issues, just that she was very similar to Crack (down to the colour) and was just a redundant character, and my cast is plenty big enough as is.

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